They say anyone can make money writing online. Is that right? In August 2009 I set out on a quest to find out. With this blog you can follow my progress, pick up tips along the way and learn from my mistakes.
What is the truth about making money from blogging? Can you make any money writing articles? Which sites offer the best advice and which are just trying to sell you something?
I am a complete beginner setting out on a very steep learning curve. By the end of it I hope to have found the answers and I will share them with you. So come along for the ride and lets make lots of money from writing online.
Any money I make in the first six months I am donating to a local wildlife rescue centre that I support. To see Vale Wildlife Rescue's website or make a donation, click on their green logo on the left side panel. Please support them - even if it's only £1 or $1 - they have lots of hungry mouths to feed and donations are down due to the economic downturn. Every little will be greatly appreciated. You can donate by paypal so it's really easy. Please give me/my blog a mention via the special instruction box as it would be nice to keep a tally on how much money I am raising.
Many Thanks
Meanwhile I will do my utmost to make them some money by writing.
(In my first six months I made a total of £38.12 Not a fortune, but remember I started as a complete novice without a clue what I was doing! I have learnt a lot since then and I expect to earn much more in the second six months!)
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