Learn how to increase your earning potential when writing articles to make money online. Learn why some articles are more successful than others at getting traffic.
There are lots of opportunities to make money by writing articles online these days. Lets look at how you can go about maximizing your chances at making money by getting your articles published on other websites.
You could simply have your own website or blog, and you should do, but there are many websites out there that will publish your work for free. You just need to register.
These websites are hungry for as much content input as they can get because they themselves make money by getting traffic to their sites. - So you don't have to have a master’s degree or be a top author to make money writing articles- you simply need something interesting to write about that Joe public will want to read.
Some sites you may wish to consider registering with are: bukisa.com, hubpages.com, associatedcontent.com (US residents only), reviewstream.com and helium.com as well as articleincome.com.
With some sites, like Associatedcontent, you make money by writing articles, having them published and getting paid for the number of views your page generates. With others, such as Articleincome you make money from the number of times the associated ads get clicked on.
Associated Ad Articles The most widely used ad generator is Google Adsense. You will need to sign up with Google Adsense and get an account number from them so that you can make money writing articles online with websites that pay this way.
What Makes a Successful Online Article?
If you really want to make money writing articles online there are several things you need to consider. Online writing is not as straight forward as writing for newspapers or magazines. When you are writing articles online you also need to market your article to attract your audience at the same time. Here are some top tips for getting the most from your articles…
1. Finding A Profitable Subject
Firstly decide what you are going to write your article about. Whilst it is important that you write about what you know and can be informative on, it is vital when writing articles to make money that your subject matter has a market. If no one is interested in reading your article in the first place you won't make any money.
2. The Importance of Keywords and Phrases
Once you have your subject you want to make sure your article will receive maximum exposure. If you are writing about how to make money online by writing articles make sure that you use the keywords "how to make money online by writing articles" often throughout your article. This will ensure that when search engines crawl your article they will pick up on your keywords and know what your article is about. Then when anyone around the world does a search on your keywords they are more likely to find your article. Similarly, Google Adsense will be more likely to display relevant ads next to your article if it is keyword rich. This, in turn, means your readers are more likely to click on the ads - remember Google Adsense works by paying you for the number of clicks on the ads, not just the sales generated. When choosing your keywords always select the most common words or phrases. For example "tips" is better than "advice" and "how to make money writing" is better than "successful freelance journalism". Try to use your keywords in the first sentence of your article and the last.
3. Bullet Points and Headings
Set out your key points in lists. Lists make your work a lot more user friendly and easier to follow. Give each point a subheading and try to use your keywords where possible. Put the heading in bold because putting some keywords in bold will also help with search engine optimization. (SEO)
4. Editing
Once you have completed your article read it back through and make sure it is informative and reads well. Always use a spell checker to check both your spelling and your grammar. Ensure your article is easy to understand and flows well and make sure you have maximized your keywords.
5. Title Maximization
Put some thought into choosing your title. Once you have written and edited your article it is most important to give it the best possible title. To maximize your chances of making money from your article you need to get people to read it. The title must therefore grab their attention as well as tell them what your article is about. But most important of all it - INCLUDE THOSE KEYWORDS. This article could have been entitled "Writing Articles Online" but that wouldn't have been nearly as effective as "Top Tips on How to Make Money Writing Articles Online".
6. Fresh Content
Never copy and paste from other sites. As well as potential copyright problems, search engines will mark you down for identical content. If you want to submit the same article to different sites then rewrite it. Add some different content and change the words. That way your articles will receive maximum exposure from search engines and you will be more likely to make money from writing your articles.
7. Use Backlinks
If you have a website or blog that you want to get traffic to then when ever possible you should try to put a link on other sites back to your own. Only use sites that are in a similar category to your own - relevance is key. If your site is about making money by writing don't work too hard getting links from fishing sites! It is also important that the links are only one way, that is to say, don't have a link on your own site that links to the sites where you have placed your links. Not all article sites let you put a link in your articles but many do. Although beware of sites using "no follow" linking. Associated content allows you to add links to your article but if you use their link generator it will be made "no follow", so always ad your links using html. Although people clicking on a no follow link will be directed to your site, search engines crawling the site won't follow the link to your site. Another way of acheiving backlinks is to comment on blogs that have similar content to your site. You will usually have the opportunity to attach your own URL when commenting.
I hope you have found these top tips on how to make money writing articles online informative. Please help me by clicking one of my Google Adsense ads that is of interest to you. (Yes, I know -Cheeky!) Good Luck with your making money writing articles online.
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